Rules And Regulation
- Pupils must be in the school premises by 9.45 a.m. and no pupil is allowed inside the classroom before class or during recess.
- No one is allowed to leave the school premises without permission of the principal. If a pupil is obliged to leave the school, for some reason or other, written request from parents must be produced.
- For leave of absence from the school, a pupil must obtain prior permission for the same and on unavoidable circumstances she must produce a leave letter from his / her parents / guardian when he / she return.
- Pupils who fail more than once in the same class will be asked to leave the school.
- The child application in class throughout the year and the regularity of attendance is taken into consideration at the time of promotion.
- Regular assessment will be made on the quality of their daily work.
- Pupils whose dues are not cleared completely will be barred from sitting for the examination.
- No gifts, letter, books, magazines or newspapers of any nature shall be brought to the school without permission of the school administration
- Transfer certificate will be issued on receipt of a written application from the parent / guardian mentioning therein date of admission.
- On theirĀ way to and from school, pupils are expected to behave themselves in a manner befitting the air of this institution
- A student who leaves school before the holidays or returns later after the reopening ( as marked in the calendar) will have his / her name struck off the register.
- The school authorities are not responsible for the loss of any articles belonging to the pupils if they are not labeled. Damage of any articles belonging to the school bynthe pupils must be compensated.
- Admission to the school implies that the pupils abide by the rules and observe the discipline of the school.
- A pupils whose conduct in the opinion of the school administration is not keeping with the normal tone of the school, whose application is unsatisfactory or whose parents show little interest in his / her progress will be requested to withdraw.
- If the pupil does any harm to the image and materials of institution then the intuitions has the right to terminate the student at any time.