- New admissions are made only to the Nursery. Other admissions, if any, will depend on the availability of seats and on the competence of the student.
No local transfers shall be entertained unless genuine region.
- Admission are made on receipt of the following documents:
- The mark sheet report issued after the last annual examination taken.
- Transfer Certificate.
- Good Conduct Certificate from the Principal of the last attended.
- New pupils must be introduced personally by the one who will be responsible for their regularity, conduct and fees.
- If the school authorities think it convenient, they will examine the new applicants and place them in the class they are found fit for. A fee of Rs 50/- will be demand for the test for admission.
Admission :
Admission fee for new students
Annual fee for old students
Tuition feeĀ for both students
(Games & sports , Library service, Magazine, Establishment and Development, maintenance, first aid funds, dance, computer, marshal arts , cricket etc. are to be taken according to facility provided to students .)
School fees are to paid during school hours before 15th of every month. After that a late fee fine of Rs 10 /- will be charged for every lapsed month.
Pupils failing to pay the fee for three consecutive months may have their names struck off the roll. They may however, be re-admitted on clearing all arrears and late fees.
Annual fee should have to pay together with the tuition fees for baishak and jestha.
school leaving Certificate shall be issued without a written application from parents or guardian.
A fee of Rs 1500 to 2500 Shall be charged whenever application for transfer certificate or for duplicate of the same is made. A fine shall be charged for all defectors
The school uniform consists of :
- BOYS :- Bottle green long pants (serge), cream colour shirt short and long sleeves, Green tie, Bottle green bladger or sweater, black shoes, white socks , house dress / PT dress with white canvas shoes on Tuesday and Friday.
- GIRLS :- Bottle green long pants or gymn, yellow cream colour shirt short and long sleeves, Green tie, Bottle green bladgers, black shoes, White socks ,and red hair ribbon. House dress / PT dress with white canvas shoes on Tuesday and Friday.
All students must be clean, neat and well groomed always.