I congratulate the team for the success of the school. The achievements of the students make us all the more feel proud of them. The students are proving their mettle in national and international arena as competitive individuals. Besides all of the above, that add to children becoming truly educated, schools and teachers must ensure that children have a society of enriching experiences. Surprisingly, these experiences develop a child’s creativity and imagination and lead to something that is often thought to be more important than knowledge. Creativity and imagination make children grow up to be productive adults who then arrive as citizens of the world ready to make their own great contribution to mankind.
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand. “ – Albert Einstein
My message to the Principals, Staff, Students and esteemed Parents of Sanjivani Schools administered is to dedicate this year to a correct understanding of what education really means and let us all benefit from this understanding.
Hem Raj Koirala